cheats & hacks

I GOT IT BUT its UNACTIVATED i post the activated link later sorry you can activate it your self too... CP MEMBER HACK without survey, adds, questions,......FREE
blog: (they have survey on their blog)

unactivated link:
activated link: 

unactivated means that THE PROGRAM not registered you must do it your self heres how to do it is:
after download it open it then at the bottom there is a register here link click it a thing pops and say sign up and complete one offer..... it takes you to sign up complete one offer then wait 24 hours to the program to unlock i bet is successful please if you activate it please upload it and give the link
how to hack other account password on your pc (example = ilia user)
open cmd its in the start. type net user
type net user ilia *
it ask for password, press enter until it says cammand was sucessfull  (passwords removed)